Thursday, June 23, 2011

Where Are YOU From?

I am from the top of a hill with a glorious view of both cityscape and countryside, from Dairy Mart, pepperoni rolls and Bad Cat wine.

I am from the city house in the middle of a farmyard, hens competing with robins, cardinals and chickadees for my ear, tall maple trees in the yard and evergreens by the front porch.

I am from peonies and coltsfoot, ramps and rhododendrons.

I am from Bible-believing, four-part-harmony hymn-singing Maudie, Elizabeth, Marguerite and Uncle George.

I am also from Great-Aunt Blanche, who took a nap every day so she'd be rested if anything urgent required her attention.

From thrift, honesty, hard work and perseverance, and of course the snow at the North Pole smells like baby powder.

I'm from Jesus Makes My Heart Rejoice, Now Thank We All Our God, and Holy God, We Praise Thy Name.

I am from the cornfields and racetracks of the Racing Capital of the World, from Walnut Grove and the home of the Mountaineers.

I am from the charming dandy in the zoot suit, the flapper with marcelled hair, the satellite-dish mogul and tobacco bootlegger.

I am from the doctor who could diagnose without even seeing his patient, a stone fireplace in a cabin on a hillside on a road named for my family, from generations of soldiers and sailors, and the embarrassment of not having shoes to wear for a family portrait.

I am from stacks of scrapbooks and disjointed memories, piles of Kodak prints tossed haphazard in a basket, the Family Bible and the World Wide Web, and I'm proud to claim it all.

Inspiration from this.  Want to play along?  Write your own and come back and leave a link to your contribution!


  1. Oh, I like this! I'm going to have to do the same thing one of these days!!!!!
