Sunday, March 20, 2011

Super Secret Sock Story Progress Pics

Here's the gorgeous yarn; the color is more bright than this picture shows.  First, in the hank:
And wound into cakes, ready to knit up into a pair of awesome socks!

I worked on them at a gymnastics meet, and actually got a lot done that evening.

I have finished the first sock and am halfway down the leg on the second one, so I hope to have photos of the pair very soon.

I've started mentally styling the photos that I'll provide with the pattern, and had a completely awesome idea (which of course I can't share YET).  And the business location I thought of using actually has a perfectly suited piece of merchandise, as long as I can charm the staff into letting me use it as a big prop. I think if I promise proper photo credit, that they will go for the idea.

Oh, and while I was watching the gymanstics and knitting my secret sock, I was wearing hand-knitted socks:  "Sunday Swing" from Knitty:
Funny how the photo makes them look blue, gold and black; the yarn is really turquoise, old gold and brown!  But it was the closest thing I had to Mountaineer colors.

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